It's about you!!

Willenbrink Associates

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It's About You

This is supposed to be the "About Joseph Willenbrink" Page  . . . where we are supposed to impress you with Mr. Willenbrink's bells and whistles - and hey! He's got some! 

But it's not about us, is it?   Let us work for you, and you'll see how cool we are soon enough.

The world of consultants is full of firms that are full of themselves.  They are delighted to tell you all about them.  "We do this . . . our talented team that . . .blah blah blah".  As a matter of fact, you may end up a few months (and a few thousand bucks)  into the project before they stop talking about themselves, and begin to address what's going on with you.  It's kind of exasperating isn't it?  It's your situations, your challenges, and your checkbook.  The work we'll do is about you.

OK - About Us

If you've read this far, you're considering giving us a call.  Thank you for your interest.  The purpose of this section and attached materials is to provide updated information about Willenbrink Associates and Joseph Willenbrink.  

Willenbrink Associates exists  to provide excellence in senior management level/strategic level consulting, with an emphasis on business development for environmental, chemical, petrochemical, heavy industrial, and manufacturing firms.   Recently, our expertise has expanded into web, internet, and e-commerce.  Mr. Willenbrink  possesses the unique quality of having a multi-disciplinary background, achieving tangible, measurable results through hard work diligently, relentlessly, and intelligently applied - and has surrounded himself with a core team of individuals who share his capabilities and work ethic, but who are empowered to challenge his opinions and conclusions (and often do).  We believe that this atmosphere is the launching point for your success.     

Mr. Willenbrink's credentials include a BS (Chemistry) degree in addition to an MBA from a top 10 university.  Mr. Willenbrink combines the quantitative consulting experience to analyze situations with the management expertise to implement approved recommendations.   He is fluent in Spanish, and has Mexico and South America experience. 

At Willenbrink Associates, we take full responsibility and accountability for all of our hard work.



Past projects have included: 


  • A major due diligence study of a Mexican hazardous waste facility for a potential US purchase, reporting directly to the CEO. Based on WA analysis of both joint venture and purchase possibilities, complete with business plan and pro-formas, the "go, no-go, valuation" decision was made. As this was the first international venture for the client firm, the entire scope of the pros and cons of the prospective venture were under Mr. Willenbrink's authority. 
  • Reorganizing an environmental laboratory, turning it from a money loser to a money maker. Then, the company was marketed and sold to a national lab firm. For this project, Mr. Willenbrink  served as interim COO (the buck stopped with us) with respect to all facets of the project; internally - operations, administration, finance, management; and externally - locating buyers, developing the short list, doing all negotiations, closing and signing the deal.
  • Reorganizing an $8 MM environmental services firm coming out of bankruptcy.
  • Preparing numerous Business and Marketing Plans.
  • Playing an integral role in the $2 Billion asset sale of (what was then) UNOCAL's Retail Petroleum Refining and Marketing Division ("76" Gas Stations).

  • Operations Analysis for UNOCAL
  • IT/Marketing restructuring for UNOCAL.
  • Starting up a Logistics Management firm from scratch, which reached $1.6 MM it's first year, $ 2.3 MM in year two.
  • Web Site and e-commerce management for a real estate development firm revitalizing an historic section of Downtown Los Angeles.  

These are the kinds of things we do very well.  We would make  poor government bureaucrats, cubicle dwellers, or staff accountants.  But should you need a key decision maker who loves high travel, long hour, hazardous duty situations, who thrives on stress with a track record of prosperity in ambiguous situations;  and who has the innovation and technical sophistication to take ideas and vapor, and from them to create value . . . then I hope we can get together to discuss more specifically how  Willenbrink Associates can provide excellence for you.  

It's about you, after all.






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Copyright © 1999 - 2014 Willenbrink Associates
Last modified: January 04, 2014