
Willenbrink Associates

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The term "Business Ethics" does not have to be an oxymoron.  We do not need to bore you with a lengthy tirade about our guiding principals, but you should know that we have them.  

Willenbrink Associates' ethics have a big effect on the way we do most everything in our work.  What follows are some brief notes from Joseph Willenbrink regarding how his (and therefore our) ethical beliefs shape the way we add value to you.

Ultimately, it's not about our ethical standards . . . 

            It's about you.

The Value of People

For the employee, change brings stress.  Impending change means job insecurity.  The average person has bills to pay and a family to feed, and is not prepared to deal physically or emotionally with the concept that his/her job is in jeopardy.  I have served as General Manager for both the sellers and the buyers transition teams, and have had to send people home.  I do not enjoy it, and advise you to avoid anyone who does.  (I have also been sent home, and I know how it feels . . . not good!)

I have a basic belief in the nobility of humans and other living things.  Because of this, as a manager, I have gone to bat for my team, and they have gone to bat for me.  Regardless of how severe the circumstances, it is always my goal to save as many jobs as possible, and to provide as much outplacement support as possible for "downsized" employees. 

The Value of Your Time

Unlike the big guys, I won't jerk you around in order to fatten up the tab.  Ultimately my success depends upon your satisfaction with me, and your willingness to recommend me glowingly to your friends and associates.  I am not obsessed with the "billable hours" of other consultants, and take great satisfaction in a job excellently done.  If you ask me to do do something that can't be done in my opinion, I will tell you so.  If you ask me to perform a task which is beyond my capabilities, I will tell you that as well, with a program for who I need to bring in, for how long, and at what price.

The Value of Your Money

You have shareholders who want you to account for every nickel you spend.  Many consultants have a knack for turning investment into expense.  I won't do that. While I need enough latitude to move, I will account for every cent you spend, and provide you as much detail as you need regarding what you are getting for your money.

There Are Things I Won't Do For Money

I don't have to go into this one.  You can probably guess what those things are, and I'd hope you wouldn't do them either.


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Last modified: January 20, 2015