Change Management

Willenbrink Associates

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If you do things the same old way, expect the same old result


Change Management is really a redundant term.  If there were no change - if we were not in a dynamic environment, there would be no need for management at all.  We'd just sit back and watch things run flawlessly.

Change Management is ultimately what I do.  Strategic Planning, Corporate Development, etc. - these are really just ways of saying change management.  However, change management in this context implies process design, process redesign, and process implementation.

The natural tendency is to do things the same old way.  We are creatures of habit, so change takes work.  Although the rate and intensity of change has escalated over the years, human nature has stayed the same.  There are a lot of factors that either promote or halt the implementation of change.  Change management that is short-sighted doesn't work.  You don't need the platitudes and buzzwords, you need a fresh way of doing things.  You can't retrofit change on the tail end of the project.  We design each project to address culture issues throughout the entire change process.

Change brings stress to your employees.  Successful change management means understanding that change is difficult, treating your people humanely, allowing time for them to get it, and buy into it.  When they see your respect for their integrity, they'll greet changes objectively.  For senior management it means being a champion among champions managing the company in a whole new way.



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Last modified: January 04, 2014